
GI-011. Vallois


  • Address: 36, rue de Seine, 75006 Paris – FR
  • Owner/Director: Nathalie Vallois, Georges-Philippe

Nathalie Vallois (N): In fact, our gallery also used to be our home from 1992 to 2002. Georges-Philippe and I were one of the first in 1990’s to open a contemporary art gallery in St Germain des Près. The eclecticism of the neighbourhood gave our activity a special identity, as from the beginning we have introduced young and established International or French artists with their first personal show in a Parisian gallery.

At the same time, we have always been very close to the French Avant-Garde of the 60’s and did major exhibitions with artists like Jacques Villeglé, Niki de Saint Phalle, Tinguely or Alain Jacquet, all whose estate we represent.

This year (2016), loyal to our attachment to St Germain des Près, we opened a new space in the same street to show the gallery’s historical artists. We have completely transformed our two spaces from their original destination: the first space used to be stables and the second one was a library. Both are characterized by the specific architecture of this old part of Paris, with irregular walls, and ceilings.

N: No specific “inspiration;” Georges-Philippe Vallois and I had a desire of engaging with what was important to us in Art.

N: I believe our specific personality, the quality of our choices and of our exhibitions led our gallery where it is today.

N: Art is about freedom of thought and speech and, as in life, it should have a dose of humor if possible!

N: A superb contrast between a very present past and a discrete but genuine contemporaneity.

Moreover, there is a splendid exhibition offer, quality exhibitions as well as a very wide range of galleries, but art isn’t the only field where we can find such quality. In effect, it is visible everywhere, in food, architecture, and most of all in the ballads one can do around the city.

N: There are so many, and we are working or are going to work with them! Nonetheless, I would have dreamed to work with Fischli and Weiss…

N: Education isn’t necessarily important as long as the conceptualisation of work and the way it is put into action are good.

N: Life and commitment!

N: Working in a gallery was my first job, and I can’t imagine any other occupation.

Art by Jacques Villegle
Art by Henrique Oliveira
Art by Henrique Oliveira
Art by Gilles Barbier
Georges-Philippe & Nathalie Vallois
Nathalie Vallois